1. Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer responds.
- Ping
- Trace Route ✔
- None
2. ___ was especially concerned about the lack of high powered computers.
- None
3. ____ have advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
- Parity✔
- Checksums
- None
4. Formally named ___ informally known as the twisted pair Ethernet or TP Ethernet.
- 10base2
- 10base5
- 10baseT✔
- None
5. In p-2-p topology there are two topologies.
- Star & Tree✔
- Tree & Ring
- Star & Ring
- None
6. ___ has no way to determine the cause of the problem.
- Ping✔
- Trace route
- None
7. The term ___ refers to the general concept of a small block of data.
- Packet✔
- Frame
- Data
- None
8. Local Talk is a LAN technology that employs ___.
- Bus topology✔
- Ring topology
- Star topology
- None
9. The maximum size of an Ethernet segment is ____
- 250 meters
- 500 meters✔
- 700 meters
- None
10. A network uses a ___ if all computers attach to a central point.
- Star Topology✔
- Ring topology
- Bus Topology
- None
11. An ___ method, the network hardware designers specify how type information is included in the frame and the value use to identify various frame types.
- Explicit frame type✔
- Ideal frame type
- Implicit frame type
- None
12. The Fast Ethernet hardware operates at a rate of ___.
- 10Mbps
- 100Mbps✔
- 1000Mbps
- None
13. In ___ network occupies larger areas like cities & countries.
- WAN✔
- None
14. In___ network occupies the smaller area like a room, a floor or a building.
- LAN✔
- None
15. A ___ provide a mechanism that a customer can use to set a physical address.
- Static addressing scheme
- Configurable addressing scheme✔
- Dynamic addressing scheme
- None
16. A network that uses ___ usually consists of a single long cable to which computer attach.
- Star topology
- Ring Topology
- Bus topology✔
- None
17. Star topology is the kind of:
- Tree topology
- P-2-P topology✔
- Broadcast topology
- Ring topology
18. Fixed network is a type of networks which is classified with respect to the ___ factor.
- Size
- Connectivity
- Medium
- Mobility✔
19. A network uses ___ to arrange computers to be connected in a single closed loop.
- Star topology
- Dual ring topology
- Ring topology✔
- Bus topology
20. Hardware that calculates a CRC uses two simple components.
- AND unit and XOR unit
- Shift register and XOR unit✔
- shift register & AND unit
- shift register and shift XOR unit
21. Some applications have large data transfer. In this way they hold the network for long time. This problem can be eliminated by:
- Divide the application into small block or chunks called Packets.
- Divide the application into small block or chunks called segments.
- Divide the data into small block or chunks called segments.
- Divide the data into small blocks or chunks called packets.✔
22. For how much time would other computers be in wait while one computer was transferring 56MB file with packet size of 1000 bytes and transmission speed of 56Kbps.
- 0.143 sec✔
- 0.243 sec
- 0.343 sec
- 0.443 sec
23. LAN that use ATM technology have a ___
- Bus topology
- Star topology✔
- Ring topology
- Mesh topology
24. FDDI can transmits data at a rate of
- 3Mbps
- 1000Mbps
- 10Mbps
- 100Mbps✔
25. The Ethernet standard specifies that frames are sent using the ___
- Differential Manchester
- Non-Return to Zero(NRZ)
- Manchester Encoding✔
- Return to Zero (RZ)
26. LAN interface may use ___ to copy frame data directly from main memory.
- DMA✔
- None
27. LAN and WAN are classified according to their:
- Size✔
- Connectivity
- Medium
- Mobility
28. For how much time would other computers be in wait while one computer was transferring 5MB file with transmission speed of 56Kbps
- 10min
- 11min
- 12 min✔
- 13min
29. ___ network topology is a bus but wiring topology is a star.
- 10Base-T✔
- Ring
- 10Base-W
- Star
30. ____ is effectively a very short Ethernet with very long AUI cables. It can be connected into larger Ethernet.
- RJ-45
- 10BASE-T✔
- None
31. A ___ relies on the hardware manufacturer to assign a unique physical address to each network interface.
- Static addressing scheme✔
- configurable addressing scheme
- dynamic addressing scheme
- None
32. In direct p-2-p communication adding the nth computer requires ___ new connections.
- N^2
- (N^2-N)/2
- N-1✔
- None
33. The third field of the header consists of ___ bit Ethernet frame type.
- 48
- 32
- 16✔
- 8
34. The gigabit ethernet hardware operates at a rate of ___.
- 10Mbps
- 100Mbps
- 1000Mbps✔
- None
35. The number of connections needed for N computers in direct p-2-p communication is equal to:
- N^2
- N-1
- (N^2-N)/2✔
- None
36. Computers attached to an Ethernet use___ in which a computer waits for the Ether to be idle before transmitting a frame.
37. Computer networks are classified by ___ factors.
- 2
- 3
- 4✔
- 5
38. NIC connection in a physical network is known as ___.
- LAN wiring scheme✔
- WAN wiring scheme
- Color wiring scheme
- None
39. Thick Ethernet is known as ___.
- 10base2
- 10base5
- 10baseT✔
- All of the above
40. Point-to-point topology is:
- Size based
- Mobility based
- Connectivity based✔
- Medium based
41. No Error detection scheme is perfect because transmission errors can affect ____.
- Data✔
- Additional information
- Additional information & data
- Transmission medium
42. Which one is incorrect statement?
- Hub wiring centralizes electronics and connection. It makes management easier
- No transceiver allows computers to be powered off or disconnected from network without distracting other communication✔
- Transceiver may be located in an inconvenient place in any situation
- None of these
43. Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as___
44. A ___ provides mechanism that automatically assignes a physical address to a station when the station first boots.
- Static addressing scheme
- Configurable addressing scheme
- Dynamic addressing scheme✔
- None
45. Ethernet uses a ___ static addressing scheme in which each device is assigned a unique address by the manufacturer.
- 8
- 32
- 48✔
- 64