CS101-Intro to Computing Assignment no 3 Solution Spring 2018
Dear Students, CS101- Introduction to Computing Assignment no 3 Solution has been uploaded for Semester Spring 2018. You can view it online or Download it. Assignment Solution is in Pdf format.Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 16/07/2018
CS101-Intro to Computing Uploading Instructions
- Your assignment must be in Word format(.doc or .docx) (Any other formats like scan images, PDF, bmp, etc. will not be accepted).
- Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bc020200786.doc).
- No assignment will be accepted through email.
CS101-Intro to Computing Assignment Objectives
- Practice with concepts of loops and conditional statements in JavaScript
- Understand various concepts of Networks
- Understands concepts of internet and its applications.
- Practice Usability and Heuristics
CS101-Intro to Computing Rules for Marking
- It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
- The assignment is submitted after due date.
- The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupted.
- Your assignment is copied from internet, handouts or from any other student (Strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case).
CS101-Intro to Computing Assignment Questions
Question No. 1 [Marks 10]
You need to study the following JavaScript code carefully. Write the below code without if-else to do the same job by using Switch Statement?
Question No. 2 [Marks 10]
Write correct choice in front of each description.
A VPN is an example of
Star Topology
Uses Packets to transfer data from one network to another network
Optical Fiber
Connects to Physical Medium
Private Network
Topology which has a single point of failure
The medium which provides highest bandwidth
CS101-Intro to Computing Assignment Solution Video
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