CS401-Assembly Assignment no. 3 Solution SPRING 2019 Due date: 22 July, 2019

Subject: CS401-Assembly language Programming

Semester: SPRING 2019 
Assignment No. 3

Due date: 22 JULY 2019

CS401-Assembly language Assignment 3 #Question

Q: Write assembly language (Terminate and Stay Resident) program that will print your complete VUID (only when specific timer ticks have lapsed) by hooking Timer Interrupt. (20 Marks)


· In this program, you have to hook Timer Interrupt and write your own Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) which will store timer count (tick count)
· In order to store total tick count, use a double word variable
· As soon as tick count reaches the last digit of your VUID, your VUID must be printed on the screen. You may treat VUID as a String and give its address and length as a parameter to the subroutine. As an alternative, you may also use String Instructions (like LODS or STOS for printing)

· For Example: if student ID is BC180212356 then after 6 tick counts, BC180212356 should be displayed on the screen.

· There’s no need to include screenshots of the final output. Your solution file must be a single Word file containing complete code.

· This assignment covers video lectures 23 to 27

CS401-Assembly Language Assignment 3 Solution! Download!

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Anam Afzal

Hi, I'm a Pakistani freelancer with a passion for helping businesses achieve their online goals through no-code solutions. I specialize in WordPress customization and ManyChat automation, and I'm always on the lookout for new ways to use technology to make businesses more efficient and successful. I'm also a big believer in the power of no-code tools to democratize technology and make it accessible to everyone. I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others learn how to use no-code tools to create their own websites, automate their workflows, and grow their businesses. If you're looking for a reliable and experienced no-code developer, I'm here to help. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your project requirements.