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CS401-Computer Architecture and Assembly language programming | Assignment no.1 Solution | spring 2018 | Due Date : 10 May 2018

CS401-Assignment No. 1 (Graded)
Semester Spring 2018
Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
Programming– CS401 Total Marks: 15
Due Date: 10/05/2018

Question: 1 [15 Marks]
You will write a program to find the sum of even and odd digits of your VU id, You will store the sum of
even digits in AX and sum of odd digits in BX register.
For example If your VU id is bc123456789 you will use two arrays as
Then save the sum of first array in AX and second array in BX in hexadecimal format.
Explain each instruction of program in comments and also provide/paste snapshot of your assembled and debugged program result which will be run in AFD (A Full Screen Debugger) window showing the executed code and final result i.e. value in AX.
You will submit code and two screen shots in word file.
First screenshot will contain the command to compile the code
Second screenshot will contain the final values in AX and BX

Note 1: You will use conditional jumps to solve the above problem. Marks will not be awarded for using any other approach.
Note 2: keep name of assembly file according to your VU id , i.e. if your VU id is BC123456789 , you will keep name of the assembly code file as 23456789.asm i.e. you will use last 8 digits of your id for the code file name.
Note 3: If the arrays, files names in the screen shots will not be according to your VU id you will get zero marks.
Note 4: No need to include alphabet part of your id in array. i.e. if your id is BC123456789 you will use 123456789 to make the arrays , you will ignore the BC part.


Anam Afzal

Anam Afzal

Hi, I'm a Pakistani freelancer with a passion for helping businesses achieve their online goals through no-code solutions. I specialize in WordPress customization and ManyChat automation, and I'm always on the lookout for new ways to use technology to make businesses more efficient and successful. I'm also a big believer in the power of no-code tools to democratize technology and make it accessible to everyone. I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others learn how to use no-code tools to create their own websites, automate their workflows, and grow their businesses. If you're looking for a reliable and experienced no-code developer, I'm here to help. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your project requirements.