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CS502-Fundamentals of Algorithms Quiz MCQs Lecture 1-22 Midterm Objective Questions

CS502-Fundamentals of Auditing Quiz  MCQS #Objective #Questions #Midterm
1. While solving Selection problem, in Sieve technique we partition input data ___
  • in increasing order
  • in decreasing order
  • according to Pivot ✔
  • randomly
2. In Selection problem, the Sieve technique works in ___
  • Non-recursive manner
  • constant time
  • phases ✔
  • one complete go
3. While analyzing Selection algorithm, we make a number of phases, in fact it could be as many as ___
  • n(n+1) ✔
  • log(n)
  • n/3
  • n/4
4. In the statement “output P[i].x, P[i].y”, the number of times elements of P are accessed is ___
  • 1
  • 2 ✔
  • 3
  • 4
5. In Heap Sort algorithm, Heapify procedure is ___ in nature
  • Recursive ✔
  • Non-recursive
6. The O-notation is used to state only the asymptotic ___ bounds
  • two
  • lower
  • upper ✔
  • both lower and upper
7. The time assumed for each basic operation to execute on RAM model of computation is ___
  • infinite
  • continuous
  • constant ✔
  • variable
8. The iteration method is used for ___
  • comparing sorting algorithms only
  • solving recurrence relations ✔
  • merging elements in Merge sort
  •  Dividing elements in Merge sort
9. Efficient algorithm requires less computational ___
  • memory
  • running time
  • memory and running time ✔
  • energy
10. In plane sweep approach, a vertical line is swept across the 2d-plane from ___
  • right to left
  • left to right ✔
  • top to bottom
  • bottom to top
11. Counting sort is suitable for sorting the elements within range 1 to P, where ___
  • P is large
  • P is small ✔
  • P is very large
  • P is undetermined
12. In Dynamic Programming based solution of the knapsack problem, to compute entries of ‘V’. we will imply a(n)___ approach
  • Subjective
  • Inductive ✔
  • Brute Force
  • Combination
13. We can make ___ recursive calls in Fibonacci Sequence
  • Infinite ✔
  • Finite
14. In Quick sort algorithm, ___ decides nature of Binary Search Tree formed by Pivots.
  • No one
  • Smallest element from input
  • Rank of the input ✔
  • Largest element from input
15. In Dynamic Programming approach, solution is modified/changed ___
  • Always once
  • At each stage ✔
  • Only for specific problems
  • At the 4th stage only
16. Radix sort performs sorting the numbers ___ digit(s) at a time
  • one ✔
  • two
  • three
  • all
17. In the Fibonacci sequence, each term is calculated by ___ previous ___ terms.
  • Subtracting, two
  • Adding, two ✔
  • Adding, three
  • Multiplying, two
18. ___ is a linear time sorting algorithm
  • Merge sort
  • Radix sort ✔
  • Quicksort
  • Bubble sort
19. A sorting algorithm is called as ___ if duplicate elements remain in the same relative position after sorting.
  • Parallel
  • O(n) algorithm
  • Stable ✔
  • Complex
20. For comparison-based sorting algorithms, it is ___ possible to sort more efficiently than Omega nlog(n) time
  • Always
  • Not ✔
  • Sometimes
  • Sometimes not
21. In ___ Knapsack problem, the limitation is that an item can either be put in the bag or not. Fractional items are not allowed.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0/1 ✔
  • Fractional
22. We do not need to mathematically prove that for comparison-based sorting algorithms always takes Omega nlog(n) time.
  • True ✔
  • False
23. Identify the TRUE statement
  • The Knapsack problem does not belong to the domain of optimization problems
  • The Knapsack problem belongs to the domain of optimization problems✔
  • The Knapsack problem can not be solved by using dynamic programming
  • The Knapsack problem is optimally solved by using a brute force algorithm
24. Radix sort is not a non-comparative sorting algorithm
  • True ✔
  • False
25. Dynamic Programming strategy is useful when sub-problems are independent
  • True ✔
  • False
26. For average-case time analysis of Quicksort algorithm, Pivot selection is on an average basis from ___
  • half of the input values
  • all possible random values ✔
  • Pivot is input separately
  • values greater than 5
27. Bubble sort is not an in-place sorting algorithm
  • True
  • False ✔
28. In Fibonacci Sequence, unnecessary repetitions do not exist at all.
  • True
  • False ✔
29. In a strong components algorithm, the form of graph is used in which all the ___ of original graph G have been reversed in direction.
  • Vertices
  • Edges ✔
  • Both edges and vertices
  • None
30. Traversing a graph means visiting ___ in the graph.
  • no node
  • at least one
  • more than one node
  • every node ✔


Anam Afzal

Anam Afzal

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