MGT602 current midterm paper subjective questions and MCQS from JUNE 15 to JUNE 26, SPRING 2019

Total Questions: 23
MCQS: 18

Subjective Question: 5 
3 and 5 marks questions

πŸ‘€ SEE ALSO: Course wise exam instructions

MGT602 ENTREPRENEURSHIP current midterm paper spring 2019


1. Difference between warranty and static liability.
2. Moral support is important for an entrepreneur. Describe what can be the sources of moral support.
3. Difference between corporate culture and intrapreneurial culture.
4. Mr. Aoun wants to start a new venture and has no knowledge about it. What can be the sources to help him in getting professional knowledge to become successful in starting a new venture?
5. Enlist and briefly describe stages of product development.

Shared by: Anny

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Anam Afzal

Hi, I'm a Pakistani freelancer with a passion for helping businesses achieve their online goals through no-code solutions. I specialize in WordPress customization and ManyChat automation, and I'm always on the lookout for new ways to use technology to make businesses more efficient and successful. I'm also a big believer in the power of no-code tools to democratize technology and make it accessible to everyone. I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others learn how to use no-code tools to create their own websites, automate their workflows, and grow their businesses. If you're looking for a reliable and experienced no-code developer, I'm here to help. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your project requirements.