1. JDBC-ODBC stands for ___
- Java Database Connectivity-Oracle Database Connectivity
- Java Database Corporation-Open Database Corporation
- Java Database Corporation-Oracle Database Corporation
- Java Database Connectivity-Open Database Connectivity ✔
2. Which of the following operator is used to concatenate strings?
- +=
- +-
- ++
- + ✔
3. Which of the following feature does java provide?
- Operator Overloading
- Pointers
- Overriding ✔
- Multiple Inheritance
4. The following is an example of :
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
- Byte-Oriented Stream
- Node Stream
- Filter Stream ✔
- File Stream
5. Which of the following method is used to convert a string into an int value?
- intValue()
- parseInt()
- ParseInt()
- parseInteger() ✔
6. If there is no exception in the try block then the catch block ___ executes.
- Always
- Somtime
- Never ✔
- None
7. Java Program code is compiled into a form called ___
- Machine code
- Byte code ✔
- Native code
- Source code
8. Which of the following feature is not included in java?
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Pointer manipulation ✔
- Data encapsulation
9. Which one of the following understands the byte code?
- Operating System
- Java Compiler
- Java Virtual Machine ✔
- Java Interpreter
10. Adapter classes have been defined for listener interfaces except ___ interface.
- MouseListener
- KeyListener
- WindowListener
- ActionListener ✔
11. == operator compares ___ of strings whereas equals( ) method compares ___ of strings
- Values, addresses
- Addresses, values
- Size, addresses
- Addresses, size
12. Event handling is a ___ step process
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
13. Window, frame, and dialog use ___ as their default layout.
- Border Layout
- Flow layout
- GridBag layout
- Grid layout
14. Which of the following belongs to a category of checked exception?
- Null Pointer exception
- IOException
- Array index out of bounds
- NumberFormatException
15. All the exceptions and errors in java are inherited from ___ class.
- Exception
- Error
- Throwable
- IOException
16. If a superclass method is protected then the overriding method ___
- must be protected
- must be public
- must be private
- may be either protected or public
17. Which of the following syntax attaches an output stream to console?
- FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(“output.txt”);
- FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(FileDescriptor.out);
- FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(FileDescriptor.in);
- FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(FileDescriptor);
18. Which of the following command is used to compile Java code?
- java filename
- java filename.java
- javac filename
- javac filename.java
19. AWT is a GUI package used in java, AWT stands for ___
- Apache Window Toolkit
- Application Windowing Tools
- Application Windows Template
- Abstract Windowing Toolkit
20. Java defines ___ for the listener interfaces having more than one event handling methods.
- Wrapper classes
- Abstract classes
- Concrete classes
- Adapter classes
21. Mouse events can be trapped for ___ GUI component.
- JPanel
- JFrame
- JButton
- All of the given
22. Which of the following statement object is used to execute stored procedures?
- Statement
- PreparedStatement
- CallableStatement
- None
23. Which of the following statement object is used to execute precompiled SQL statements?
- Statement
- PreparedStatement
- CallableStatement
- None of the given
24. Which of the following method is used to determine whether a database is read-only or not?
- isReadonly()
- isReadOnly()
- isreadonly()
- IsReadOnly()
25. ___components generate events.
- Only AWT
- Only Swing
- All AWT and Swing
- Not all AWT and Swing
26. Which of the following function will be used to register an event handler with events generator, where the event generator is a button?
- addAction()
- addActionListener()
- addListener()
- registerListener()
27. Which of the following syntax is used to get DataBaseMetaData object?
- DataBaseMetaData md = rs.getMetaData(); //where rs is ResultSet object
- DatabaseMetaData md = st.getMetaData(); //where st is Statement object
- DataBaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData(); //where con is Connection object
- DataBaseMetaData md = rsmd.getMetaData(); //where rsmd is ResultSetMetaData object
28. Which of the given Listener interface(s) have adopter class(s)?
- ActionListener
- AdjustmentListener
- MouseMotionListener
- ItemListener
29. There are ___steps in order to communicate successfully with database
- six
- seven
- eight
- nine
30. An event in java is represented as ___
- Operator
- Function
- Object
- Primitive data type
31. Which of the given statement objects are used to execute using same query multiple times by only changing parameters?
- Statement
- CallableStatement
- PreparedStatement
- Both b and c
32. Which of the following function is declared in MouseMotionListener interface?
- public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me);
- public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me);
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me);
- public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me);
33. DSN stands for ___
- Data System Name
- Domain system Name
- Data Source Name
- Database System Name
34. Which of the following is a DDL statement?
- Select
- Delete
- Create
- Update